Lenore Goldfarb
Director & Professional Development Educator, PhD, CCC, IBCLC
For many years Lenore has been helping mothers to breastfeed their babies born via surrogacy or adoption. She is a Certified Canadian Counsellor, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and researcher at the Goldfarb Breastfeeding Clinic in Montreal, Canada. Lenore is best known for her research on induced lactation and she is frequently asked to lecture throughout the world. Lenore has been married over 20 years, has two sons born via gestational surrogacy, and breastfed both by successfully inducing lactation for each of them. Dr. Goldfarb earned her Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies with a concentration in art and science and a specialization in human lactation and reproductive counseling in 2010. She received the Union Institute & University International Alumni Association Board (IAAB) Legacy Alumni Award in 2019.