The Trudi Szallasi Scholarship provided me the opportunity to be more knowledgeable, supported and professional when set to the IBCLC examination and got certified. It empowered me to manage and lead the Breastfeeding Support Association, the only breastfeeding formal body in my country, Jordan. It also scaled up my skills as well as my knowledge through the courses that I had received at the Health e-Learning website.
I appreciated every single contact or follow up by emails or even the forums which sharpen my experience in its best way. The courses offered me a detailed, simple, intuitive, and quality content that driven an exceptional experience. And the fact that I can easily access my profile and course resources on the whole year following registration which were the main reasons why I'll give a thumbs up to the Trudi Szallasi scholarship without which I will be able to have.
In the past year, I got a new job in an international organization at which I could develop several breastfeeding support programs including breastfeeding promotion in hospitals and supporting the Baby Friendly Hospitals Initiative in 5 hospitals as an initial phase, and the mother to mother breastfeeding support groups program. I appreciate the valuable chance I got to be an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Great thanks to everyone was involved in this and special thanks to Carole Dobrich for the close follow up and support.