XL52: Anita Moorhead: Diabetes and antenatal milk expressing (DAME). A randomised controlled trial

This presentation will discuss the background and results of the Diabetes and Antenatal Milk Expressing (DAME) trial conducted in Australia and the research methodology used. The outcomes will be explained as well as the limitations of the study.  The applicability of the findings to clinical practice and further research will be also be discussed.

Anita Moorhead
1 L CERP / 1 Pre-IBLCE exam hour
Access period:
One week
Lecture recorded for Health e-Learning

PhD Candidate, Nurse, Midwife, IBCLC, CertNeonatPaed & CertHlthSerMan.

Anita is a Clinical Midwife Consultant (Lactation), Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne and Trial Coordinator for the DAME (Diabetes and Antenatal Milk Expressing Trial) and PhD candidate at the Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University.

Anita has worked in the fields of midwifery, neonatal paediatrics, early parenting, lactation services and nursing management. She has collaborated on a number of breastfeeding papers, hospital and state based clinical guidelines and breastfeeding reports. Anita has been a BFHI assessor and educator and an IBCLC since 1994.