Lactation Information about COVID-19
There is a lot of information being shared from around the world about COVID-19 and infant feeding practices. We will try to provide links that can help you with providing information to clients and colleagues. As we are a company that meets its obligations under the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes we will not provide links that violate the International Code. We will also try to provide links to information in other languages.
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Resources online
The University of Regina - Dr. Shela Hirani VIDEO Breastfeeding during COVID-19: An Information Guide
SafelyFed Canada COVID-19 Updates
CPS Breastfeeding when mothers have suspected or proven COVID-19 (May 6, 2020)
Public Health Agency of Canada Pregnancy, childbirth and caring for newborns: advice for mothers (COVID-19)
Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health COVID-19, Breastfeeding, Infant Feeding, Breast Milk
Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health COVID-19, Maternal and Child Health, and Nutrition
Baby Milk Action Infant & Young Child Feeding in the context of COVID-19
WHO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Breastfeeding and COVID-19 For health care workers (28 April 2020)
WHO Q&A on COVID-19 and breastfeeding (28 April 2020)
WHO Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding and COVID-19 Breastfeeding Infographics
USBC Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies, including COVID-19* (April 28, 2020)
USAID Advancing Nutrition Counselling package - Infant and Young Child Feeding Recommendations when COVID-19 is Suspected or Confirmed (24 April 2020)
Queensland Health Perinatal care of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 pregnant women
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and pregnancy
CDC Considerations for Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Settings
CDC Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Information booklet
Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness
Research articles
Impact of COVID-19 on maternal and child health
Busch-Hallen, J., Walters, D., Rowe, S., Chowdhury, A., & Arabi, M. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on maternal and child health. The Lancet Global Health. undefined(20)30327-2
Mistakes from the HIV pandemic should inform the COVID-19 response for maternal and newborn care
Gribble, K., Mathisen, R., Ververs, M., & Coutsoudis, A. (2020). Mistakes from the HIV pandemic should inform the COVID-19 response for maternal and newborn care. International Breastfeeding Journal, 15(1).
Neonatal management and outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: an observation cohort study
Salvatore, C. M., Han, J., Acker, K. P., Tiwari, P., Jin, J., Brandler, M., Cangemi, C., Gordon, L., Parow, A., DiPace, J., & DeLaMora, P. (2020). Neonatal management and outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: An observation cohort study. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. undefined(20)30235-2
Davanzo, R., Moro, G., Sandri, F., Agosti, M., Moretti, C., & Mosca, F. (2020). Breastfeeding and coronavirus disease-2019. Ad interim indications of the Italian society of neonatology endorsed by the union of European neonatal & perinatal societies. Maternal & Child Nutrition, e13010.
SafelyFed Canada et Mouvement allaitement du Québec Ressources pour l'alimentation des nourrissons - COVID-19
Agence de la santé publique du Canada Grossesse, accouchement et soins des nouveau-nés : conseils à l’intention des mères (COVID-19)
SCP L’allaitement par les mères atteintes d’une COVID-19 présumée ou confirmée (le 8 mai, 2020)
MSSS Santé et service sociaux Québec COVID-19 - Directives au réseau de la santé et des services sociaux
Mouvement allaitement du Québec (MAQ)
La Leche League Italia
Lactancia en emergencia COVID-19
Guía Operativa para la toma de decisiones en la emergencia COVID-19
La Leche League International - Breastfeeding and Coronavirus